The Artful Homestead Gathering / May 28, 2016 / 9a-7p

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I began imagining this a few years ago: a weekend focused on creativity and earthly awareness – with attention given to the whimsy and practicality of everyday acts. I envisioned working with the people who are passionate about things like baking bread, writing, gardening, poetry, deep breaths, art, music, canning jam, learning, doing, being. Together, camping and getting groovy with our homesteady selves, identifying our values and rituals.

It’s manifesting this spring, collaboratively with my dear, old friend and exquisite photographer Paige Green. You’ve heard me mention Paige many times before; she’s my best friend of 20 years. Our first-ever Artful Homestead gathering is happening over Memorial Day weekend. Will you join us?

WHAT TO EXPECT: This day is for people who want to explore, grow and create. The whole thing takes place on Windrush Farm, a real working farm located in Chileno Valley, CA. Participants will get dirt under their fingernails and forget about unanswered emails. Special bonus: no cell service! You can expect a comfortable yet rustic experience grounded in nature, community and expression.

Together with Paige, I will lead participants on adventures in writing, nature exploration, art-making, photography, cooking, gardening and movement. Our day will have a good balance of light, leisurely flow and focused activity — time to relax and explore at your own pace balanced with time to interact, engage and accomplish. The evening will take root in a healthy, shared meal followed by fireside storytelling and a swim in the secret garden pool.

All food will be lovingly prepared by Paige, me and two other friends. We will feed you so well!

WHERE: Windrush Farm | 2263 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma CA 94952
Located in the green hills of Chileno Valley, Windrush Farm was founded in 1995 by Mimi Luebbermann, with an intention of living simply, farming fiber, and functioning as a quiet space for Luebbermann’s longstanding writing career. Windrush Farm has since evolved into an educational facility educating and entertaining Bay Area children and adults about farm life, wool, and the real world of animals, grass and sunshine.

I know first hand the magic of Windrush Farm. Paige’s mother-in-law is the founder and owner so I’ve had the pleasure of visiting several times over the years. I’ve helped with milking cows, feeding lambs and cooking pizza in the outdoor wood-fired oven…

Giant live oak trees lend their nobby, knowing spines for leaning and listening. Wisteria drips from the farmhouse eaves, involuntarily intoxicating every passer-by. Goats summit abandoned shed roofs, sheep bleat to be pet, cows step into the worn walls of a well-used barn. Lavender and rosemary elbow each other for more room.