DIG office hours

Every day, I receive a lot of questions over the socials and I so appreciate that interaction and exchange. Community conversation is a huge part of my job and I wish I could answer all the Qs in those DMs and emails.


I'd love to personally advise you on how to plan your garden or diagnose pests or put up your harvest. I am an ecommerce wizard and would love to help you turn your great idea into a successful storefront. I love talking with you about navigating the tricky world of parenting teens and the unpopular choice to delay apps and smart devices. I want to help everyone who wants camp, camp. And everyone who wants to travel on a shoestring, achieve just that. It would be so fun if we could facetime so I could see your sourdough starter and help you help her along. I adore helping people make meals from locally sourced food. 


I am on my instagram feed and stories a lot creating content that address a lot of your questions. I love to teach so this is easy and fun for me! And, of course I cannot dedicate the time it would take to answer your questions with the thoroughness I'd love to give. 


Gabrielle Blair hosts office hours on her website and I thought I'd give her model a go. Basically, schedule a chunk of time and we'll get stuff done together. It can be about anything at all. I've love to help. And it'll be so cozy and personal! Yes please.


Some ideas for how we might spend our time connecting:



vegetable gardening planning, crop rotation, pest mitigation, putting food up, soil health, composting, container gardening.



assembling your car camp kit and gear, learning to read a gazeteer, booking a site that works for you, how to camp with kids of all ages and make it rad (ps I will not share our secret spots! but I will help you find your very own secret spots)



from baby to teen, happy to listen and share -- wins and fails and anything that would be helpful. Parenting can feel so isolating and I am an open book with what works for us regarding technology, sibling relationships, appreciation of the outdoors, in-home harmony and participation, communication and listening styles...younameit.



we live big and for not much money. I know that *not much money* is objective but what I mean is we can travel really well for a week (or more) on what most people we know blow through in 1-2 days. From localized magical day trips to dirt cheap plane tickets to affordable accommodations to choosing how you spend your well-earned bucks, I'd love to help you attain that adventure. 



dig started in 2007 and I learned html to do the things I wanted to do. Since then, I've developed several websites, ecommerce sites, programmed applications, created email flows and all the things it takes to successfully run a shop or blog online. I've spent thousands of hours making mistakes and learning. Would love to help you market your thing.



tired of holding your finger on a reel to follow a tutorial? Want to make a pie together? Want a private sesh on making jam or setting up your shopify site? I'm in.



You have some choices with how we connect:

The meetings are online and there's a camera option so we can lock eyeballs if you'd like. Or not, that's fine too. It's $75 per 30 minute session or $150 for an hour (price also includes some prep I do beforehand so please share the topic(s) you'd like to cover.) We can book one sesh and then another if you'd like me to follow up with research or suggestions. 

I will give away one scholarship meeting per month. Email nici@digthischick.net with the subject "scholarship" and I'll select a recipient on the 5th of each month.


Once booked, you’ll receive a confirmation email, a reminder email, and you can also choose to get a reminder via text. If need to reschedule, choose the reschedule option in your confirmation email.